The Fountain – Movie Review

You always wonder what how and why we exist. The question ” what is life” is a complex question and i’m sure all of us may have thought about this at different stages in our lives.

Going by the happy go lucky mantra ” Live and let live” and ” Life is short and live it to the fullest ”  is how we commonly avoid thinking about this topic.  Mostly because Theists’s believe in god and religion.Now i dont have anything against them, i partly do believe in religion , but i have my doubts, making me an agnostic . But inspite of all this you do wonder about death and the life thereafter [ if any ] or death as the act of creation and all.

Well lets get to the point with the movie , all of the above is what i felt after i saw this movie .

The Fountain (2006)

Cast : Hugh Jackman , Rachel Weisz

Directed by: Darren Aronofsky

Music : Clint Mansell

Genre : Science Fiction / Fantasy

“Death is the road to awe.”

How many movies would contain that line? Visually entrancing, peppered with thought-provoking moments.

The mesmerizing yet hauntingly scored music by Clint Mansell and the Kronos Quartet, The Fountain is aan intense and fantabulous movie , nevertheless far from flawless.

I’ve watched it 4 times, and still feel the plot is in a shorthand / cipher to the writers.

Writer/director Darren Aronofsky says the film is not meant to provide answers, but to raise the big questions: “trying to find out the reason of why we’re here and what is life and what is love. And what happens when you die?  Does love  sustain in the event of death .

 These are questions that people have been asking since the beginning of time,” says Aronofsky. This is very serious and inspirng cinema that gets people thinking… I can’t criticize that. Some of my favorite moments:

Hugh Jackman’s Spanish Conquistador faces eighty Mayan warriors, single-handly charges them as he pledges, “I will not die, not here, not now, never!” I can’t but think how many countless warriors have died thinking the same thought….

Rachel Weisz laying in the hospital bed dying from a brain tumor describing how she felt during a seizure, “I wasn’t afraid. When I fell, I was full.”

Hugh Jackman’s astronaut’s weeping realization that, “I’m gonna die,” that delivers him (and all life) from the bondage of fear of death.

Hugh Jackman’s scientist loses his wedding ring in the the start of the film  before he goes into the operation .

Hugh Jackman’s Middle age Conquistador getting the ring from ( Rachel Weisz ) the Spanish queen, and being told that he is to wear the ring when he has found Eden [ the Tree of Life ] and that she would be his Eve and that together they will live forever and He is to Deliver Spain from Bondage   .

Hugh Jackman’s Middle Ages Conquistador loses the ring after drinking the tree sap from the Tree of Life as new trees Grow over his body and he dies.

Hugh Jackman’s monk Astronaut  [who is travelling in a Bio Ecospheric future Space craft towards a dying Nebula called the Xibalba ] , having visions / hallucinations of his lost love [ Isabella / Izzi] who urges him to Finish it, i.e. Finish the Manuscript of the Book Izzi in the modern day was writing before her death.Here one wonders whether the astronaut has been travelling for years and still his love for Izzi has survived, the concept of Eternal Love is hinted at.

Finally the Hugh Jackman’s monk Astronaut wearing the ring given to the Middle Age Conquistador by the Spanish queen [ Rachel Weisz] and and entering the dying star at peace with the thought of his imminent death and that after death he will be united with his love forever. Touche` i’d say.

For me, the film is a mixute about facing death and transcending our fear , a story of eternal love, the resurrection of life through death, a psychedelic science fiction story, or even a muddled mess.

Overall I’d give it a very good 8 out of 10,Must watch category for its brilliant script and critical impeccability, how ever i’m not very sure whether most of the folks will sit through this though its a kewl movie.

I’d also want to mention that the Music is Really something that lingers onto you for days after u’ve heard it , a definite recommendation for movie score lovers.

Do let me know what you feel about this movie. I’d like to hear ur comments.

Ciao for now..